Protect yourself from these five common pitfalls:

7 Reasons to Work with a REALTOR®

For many family members, the decision to disperse their assets, such as a the family home, can be filled with diverse emotions. Taking the time to first have a conversation with your family members about their expectations and desires and then creating a clear and legally binding plan will ensure everyone's wishes are respected.

A step-by-step game plan for what to expect from initial consultation all the way through to the closing of your home.

Whether you’re a business owner with a few employees, an entrepreneur or working a traditional 9 to 5, make retirement planning a priority now. Use these strategies to get you in the fast lane to retirement!

The last few years have been anything but "normal" when it comes to real estate. A normal market is balanced between a buyer and seller - one side does not have much of an advantage over the other.